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Wholesale & Distribution

Incorporate a warehouse management system with your business to keep premises and stocks organised. Also integrate one of our highly-functional e-commerce platforms to generate seamless transactions.

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Embrace a Warehouse Management System to keep your premises and stock levels organised.

Develop an e-Commerce platform which is user-friendly, secure and offers efficient customer service.

Convert more leads by adopting a CRM software which documents transactions, helps you develop a marketing strategy and allows you to forecast revenues.

Devising an Advanced Warehouse and Stock Management System

We can all agree that an organised company is a profitable company. If all data is systemised in a transparent manner, your business will benefit from a higher level of efficiency, superior performance and a boost in revenue. At PTL we can provide professional consultancy in a range of sectors to help you achieve an organised business structure.

From the warehousing stage to delivering the final product to customers, we’ll walk you through each business process step-by-step.

As skilled advisors, we’ll assist you in the following activities:

  • Creating precise warehouse cleaning and maintenance schedules
  • Keeping the warehouse decluttered
  • Developing a systemised inventory management software
  • Excluding unsalable actions from business processes

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Adopting a Cutting-edge E-commerce Platform

Having an adequate e-commerce platform is fundamental to your company’s success. These are the central elements we’ll help you adopt in your software platform:

Improving Sales Mobility

A business with efficient sales processes will retain higher revenue levels. At PTL, we’ll guide you on how to develop your sales mechanisms, by enhancing the following factors:

  • Creating more accurate orders to meet the maximum number of customers in a day
  • Assisting customers in making the right buying decisions, while keeping in mind their past shopping trends.
  • Organising pricing schemes.
  • Making all data accessible to reduce communication with the head office
  • Sending closed orders to head office instantaneously and easily

Need to Boost Customer acquisition and Lead Conversion?

The larger the number of customers and the higher the conversion rate, the more successful your business would be. Here are some factors we can help you out with: